Welcome to Nile Agro-Tech and Seed Company Limited (NATSCO)

For Reliable & Sustainable Services

Welcome to
Nile Agro tech

Destined to be a leading and reliable
agribusiness company moving traditional
agriculture to business heights in South Sudan

Nile Agro Tech is here for:

Value Additionand market linkages

Our Goal: Commercialized agricultural
production through modern research and
technology, value-addition, and market linkages in South Sudan.

NATSCO provides:

A guide through the
best agricultural Technology

Modern trending technologies for better
agricultural performance


Successfully Project Completed

Our introduction

Nile Agro-Tech
Seed Company Limited (NATSCO)

We’re Leader in Agriculture product and Services

Nile Agro-Tech and Seed Company limited through its expertise believe in quality service delivery and long-term sustainable solutions to farmers and the community in accordance with sustainable development goals (SDGs) while in full observance of environmental concerns. Our services are research based backed by highly qualified Agri-based experts and quality is what we are built upon.

  • Improve lives of small & Medium holder farmers, women and youth through innovative business solutions.

  • Empower small & medium holder farmers, women and youth through structured education and training programs on Agriculture and Livestock best practices.

What we’re doing

Services We Offer


NATSCO Ltd is actively involved in many production activities


NATSCO project under apiary includes training of bee keepers

Appropriate Technology

Utilizing modern trending technologies for better agricultural performance in

Agro Consultancy

Nile Agro-Tech and Seed Company Limited (NATSCO) provide solutions

contact with us

Looking for advice in Agriculture &
related Services?

Nile Agro-Tech and Seed Company Limited (NATSCO) provide solutions in agribusiness to improve productivity and income while reducing the input costs and knowledge gap for sustainable agricultural production. NATSCO provide both on and off field training to lead producers, the farming communities and stakeholders involved in agriculture to alleviate poverty.

  • Please feel free to drop an email to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible

    We’re the provoders of Reliable & Sustainable Services